Finally!!! I went for my driving re-test yesterday and I was praying and praying and praying for the leading of God.
And...I passed!!! Thanks God a lot that HE actually leaded me during the test and NEVER EVER do things on your own will but always seek for God's guidance.
And and... NEVER EVER seek for GOD only when you need help cause GOD won't want a child who only seek for HIM when he/she is in needs. You should NEVER EVER leave GOD no matter what. Even if it's just another morning after sleeping you should also be thankful to GOD cause HE just gave you another morning, or else where do you think you could be?
The reason I wrote this is because I have been away from GOD for quite a time. I was too lazy to do my devotion and I only keep to my prayer every night and then zZz. We, as HIS children shall never stop devoting to know HIM better and to spread the gospel. I am regret for what I did and Christian out there! DON'T DO AS WHAT I DID!!! LET'S GLOW FOR HIM!!!
Alan Su
Wednesday, January 21, 2009